Best Hot Tubs for Rental Properties

Adding a hot tub to your rental property can be a game-changer: There’s nothing quite as alluring to renters as the promise of your own personal spa. If you are considering hot tubs for rental properties, though, you probably have a few questions: What regulations might you need to follow? How can you ensure it’s upkeep? What hot tub brands are best? 

In our guide to finding hot tubs for rental properties, we’re exploring all of this and more. 

The best hot tubs for rental properties at Wellis® Spa

Table of Contents

Choosing Hot Tubs for Rental Properties

Adding a hot tub to a rental property looks a bit different than adding a hot tub to space that you own and occupy. Here are some of the considerations you’ll need to take into account when choosing hot tubs for rental properties.

1. Space Available 

Before diving into hot tub options, take a good look at the available space on your rental property. Consider the size of the outdoor area and make sure that the hot tub fits seamlessly into the landscape without crowding the space. Opt for a size that accommodates the anticipated number of guests without compromising comfort and accessibility.

2. Durability and Maintenance

It’s important that you choose a hot tub that not only fits the space well, but that also is made with quality and durability in mind.  Look for models with robust construction, sturdy and long-lasting materials, and features that simplify upkeep. 

Some hot tubs even feature self-cleaning technology,  ensuring ease-of-maintenance and a hassle-free experience for both you and your guests.

3. Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient hot tubs for rental properties are not only environmentally friendly, they’re also cost-effective for both you and your guests. Look for models with well-insulated shells, energy-efficient pumps, and programmable settings that allow for optimal temperature control. This not only reduces operating costs but also appeals to eco-conscious renters.

4. Safety Features

When it comes to hot tubs for rental properties, safety should be a top priority, which means built-in safety features are a must. This includes anti-slip surfaces, well-designed seating arrangements, and easily accessible control panels to minimize potential risks. This can put both you and your guests' minds at ease. 

5. Hydrotherapy Features

Set yourself apart by opting for hot tubs for rental properties with advanced hydrotherapy features. Choose models with strategically placed and adjustable jets that provide a therapeutic and relaxing experience, adding value to the hot tub and making it an attractive feature for potential renters seeking relaxation and wellness.

6. Smart Technology Integration

Stay ahead of the curve on your rental property by opting for hot tubs with smart technology integration. Features like remote control capabilities, smart connectivity, and intuitive user interfaces enhance the overall user experience. Smart hot tubs offer convenience and customization, allowing guests to personalize their hot tub experience to their liking.

7. Aesthetics and Design

Curb appeal is everything, even far away from the curb itself. The visual appeal of the hot tub can seriously enhance the look and feel of your space, drawing in potential renters and adding even more value.

Choose models with sleek designs, integrated lighting options, and aesthetically pleasing exteriors. An attractive hot tub not only enhances the property's curb appeal but also creates a welcoming and luxurious atmosphere for your guests.

8. Brand Reputation and Warranty

Research hot tub brands with a solid reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. Consider models from reputable manufacturers that offer comprehensive warranties. A reliable warranty not only provides peace of mind for you but also reassures guests that they are enjoying a high-quality amenity during their stay.

Considerations for Adding a Hot Tub to Your Rental Property

Considering hot tubs for rental properties comes with a world of benefits, but it also comes with additional responsibilities that can’t and shouldn’t be overlooked. 

1. Space and Placement

The first consideration is the available space on your property. Assess the outdoor area to determine the best location for the hot tub. Ensure that there is enough room around the hot tub to get in and out, and to complete any necessary maintenance. It’s a good idea to double check the ground or surface on which you plan to put the tub, to be sure it can hold up to the maximum weight.

2. Local Regulations and Permits

Before installing hot tubs for rental properties, research local regulations and obtain any necessary permits. Some areas may have specific guidelines regarding safety, construction, and noise levels associated with hot tub installations, particularly in rental properties. Ensuring compliance with local regulations prevents potential legal issues and guarantees a smooth operation.

3. Budget and Operating Costs

Establish a budget that includes the purchase, installation, and ongoing operating costs of the hot tub. Consider energy efficiency features to minimize operational expenses. A well-thought-out budget ensures that adding a hot tub is a financially sustainable investment for your rental property.

4. Maintenance and Upkeep

Hot tubs for rental properties require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and hygiene. Factor in the time and effort required for cleaning, water treatment, and general upkeep. Choose a hot tub model that is easy to maintain and consider hiring a professional service if needed, ensuring a consistently enjoyable experience for your guests without having to rely on them for continual upkeep. 

5. Durability and Longevity

Invest in a durable hot tub with materials and construction that withstand environmental elements and extended use. Weather-resistant shells, high-quality insulation, and sturdy frames contribute to the longevity of the hot tub. Choosing a durable model minimizes the risk of frequent repairs and replacements, providing a reliable amenity for your guests.

6. Guest Safety

Prioritize guest safety by selecting a hot tub with built-in safety features. Anti-slip surfaces, well-designed seating, and easily accessible controls contribute to a secure environment. Clearly communicate hot tub guidelines and safety instructions to guests upon check-in, ensuring a worry-free experience.

7. Insurance Coverage

It’s crucial that you contact your insurance provider to discuss coverage for the hot tub. Some insurance policies may require additional coverage or have specific conditions related to hot tub installations.

8. Rules and Guidelines

Establish clear rules and guidelines for hot tub use. Communicate these guidelines to guests through rental agreements, welcome packets, or signage near the hot tub. Clearly outlining expectations regarding usage hours, noise levels, and general behavior helps maintain a positive guest experience and protects your investment.

9. Smart Technology Integration

Explore hot tub models with smart technology integration for enhanced control and monitoring. Smart features, such as remote control capabilities and connectivity, offer convenience for both you and your guests. Smart technology can facilitate temperature adjustments, lighting control, and monitoring, enhancing the overall guest experience.

10. Market Demand and Guest Preferences

Assess the market demand for hot tubs in your rental location. Consider guest preferences and whether a hot tub aligns with the target demographic. Tailoring your amenities to meet guest expectations ensures that the hot tub becomes a sought-after feature, attracting more bookings and positive reviews.

Costs of a Hot Tub on a Rental Property 

Some hot tub costs are obvious, like the upfront purchase cost, while others can sneak up on you if you don’t plan properly. 

1. Initial Purchase Cost

The most obvious cost of hot tubs for rental properties is the initial purchase price of the hot tub. Prices can vary significantly based on factors such as size, brand, features, and overall quality. Research different models to find one that aligns with your budget while offering the amenities you want to provide for your guests.

2. Installation Expenses

Beyond the purchase price, you'll need to consider the costs associated with installing hot tubs for rental properties. Installation expenses may include electrical work, plumbing connections, and any necessary landscaping adjustments. Hiring professionals for installation ensures compliance with safety standards and local regulations.

3. Operating Costs

Hot tubs come with ongoing operating costs that should be factored into your budget. These costs encompass energy consumption, water treatment chemicals, and routine maintenance. Opt for energy-efficient models to minimize operational expenses and consider the long-term impact on your utility bills.

4. Maintenance and Cleaning

Routine maintenance and cleaning are essential for keeping the hot tub in optimal condition. Budget for water testing kits, cleaning agents, and any necessary replacement parts. Additionally, you may choose to hire a professional service for periodic maintenance, to be sure it is being cared for even when you are away.

5. Insurance Coverage

Contact your insurance provider to discuss the implications of hot tubs for rental properties on your policy. You may need to adjust your insurance coverage to account for the hot tub. Adequate coverage safeguards your property and guests in case of accidents, damage, or other unforeseen events.

6. Repair and Replacement Costs

As with any mechanical system, hot tubs for rental properties may require repairs or replacements over time. Budget for potential repairs, including parts and labor costs. If you're purchasing a used hot tub, consider setting aside funds for potential upgrades or replacements to ensure its longevity.

7. Upgrade and Enhancement Expenses

Stay competitive in the rental market by considering upgrades or enhancements to your hot tub. Features such as LED lighting, sound systems, or smart technology integration can elevate the guest experience but may come with additional costs. Evaluate these options based on their potential impact on guest satisfaction and property value.

8. Professional Consultations

Consulting with professionals such as contractors, electricians, or hot tub specialists may incur fees, but their expertise is invaluable. Seeking professional advice ensures that your property is adequately prepared for the hot tub installation, meets safety standards, and adheres to local regulations.

9. Landscaping and Privacy Measures

Creating a comfortable and private environment around the hot tub may require landscaping adjustments or the installation of privacy measures such as fencing or screening. These costs contribute to the overall ambiance and appeal of the hot tub area for your guests.

10. Accessibility Features

If your hot tub is not easily accessible, you may need to invest in features such as steps, handrails, or ramps to ensure all guests can safely enjoy the amenity. These accessibility enhancements contribute to a positive and inclusive experience for everyone.

11. Marketing and Photography Costs

Once your hot tub is installed, consider investing in professional photography and marketing materials to showcase the amenity. High-quality visuals can attract more guests and justify premium rental rates, potentially offsetting some of the costs associated with the hot tub.

12. Replacement Reserves

Anticipate the eventual need for hot tub replacement by setting aside funds in a replacement reserve. While hot tubs can provide years of enjoyment, having a financial plan for eventual replacement ensures that you are well-prepared when the time comes to upgrade or replace the unit.

The Benefits of Hot Tubs for Rental Properties

So we’ve covered the costs of hot tubs for rental properties, but what about the value they add? Let’s explore the benefits of hot tubs for rental properties in-depth. 

1. Attracting Guests Seeking Relaxation

One of the primary benefits of having hot tubs for rental properties is the potential to attract guests seeking relaxation and a touch of luxury. A hot tub offers a unique amenity that can set your property apart, appealing to those looking for a tranquil retreat and a break from their routine.

2. Enhancing the Guest Experience

A hot tub can significantly enhance the overall guest experience. Guests often choose vacation rentals for the experience they offer, and a hot tub provides an added element of indulgence. The opportunity to unwind in a private hot tub contributes to positive reviews and encourages repeat bookings.

3. Competitive Edge in the Rental Market

Offering hot tubs for rental properties provides a competitive edge in the rental market. With travelers increasingly seeking social-media-worthy experiences, a hot tub can be a decisive factor for potential guests when choosing among rental options. It sets your property apart and increases its desirability.

4. Year-Round Attraction

Unlike some seasonal amenities, a hot tub is a year-round attraction. Whether it's a winter escape to soak in the warmth or a summer evening under the stars, a hot tub appeals to guests throughout the year. This versatility contributes to a consistent appeal and potential for increased bookings even in the off-season. 

5. Potential for Higher Rental Rates

A hot tub can justify higher rental rates, allowing property owners to position their rental at a premium. Guests are often willing to pay more for the added luxury and relaxation offered by a hot tub, making it a potentially lucrative investment in terms of revenue generation.

6. Positive Impact on Reviews and Ratings   

Guest satisfaction is crucial for the success of a rental property, and a hot tub can have a positive impact on reviews and ratings. Guests who enjoy the hot tub experience are more likely to leave positive feedback, attracting more travelers and contributing to the property's reputation.

7. Appealing to Specific Demographics

Consider your target demographic when deciding to install a hot tub. If your property caters to couples on romantic getaways, families seeking a memorable vacation, or individuals looking for wellness retreats, a hot tub aligns with these preferences, making your property more appealing to specific demographics.

8. Health and Wellness Promotion

Hot tubs are associated with health and wellness benefits, including stress relief, improved sleep, and muscle relaxation. Positioning your property as a place that prioritizes guest well-being can attract travelers seeking a rejuvenating experience, especially those who value self-care during their stays.

FAQ: Best Hot Tubs for Rental Properties 

Can I write off a hot tub for my Airbnb?

While tax regulations can vary, you’ll find that in many cases the cost of a hot tub for an Airbnb or other rental is not deductible as a tax write off.  However, for those who are  still looking to be sure in their unique circumstance, it's crucial to keep detailed records, consult with a tax professional, and adhere to the specific tax laws applicable to your jurisdiction. 

Should I add a hot tub to my short-term rental?

Absolutely! Adding a hot tub to your short-term rental can be a strategic decision that enhances the overall appeal of your property. A hot tub can attract guests seeking relaxation and a unique experience, potentially setting your rental apart in a competitive market. It may contribute to positive reviews, increased bookings, and the ability to command higher rental rates. 

Can I put a hot tub on my apartment balcony?

ssential to check with your apartment management or landlord, as well as local regulations, before putting a hot tub on an apartment balcony. Many apartment complexes have specific rules and restrictions regarding the installation of hot tubs, particularly on balconies. Safety concerns, weight limits, and potential water damage to the structure are factors that landlords and property managers often consider. 

Final Word: Best Hot Tubs for Rental Properties

The best hot tubs for rental properties are those that are high-quality, suit the space, and abide by all safety and city regulations. When done right and carefully considered, hot tubs for rental properties boost your rentals value quickly, making it well-worth the investment.

If you’re looking for hot tubs for rental properties near you, explore the range of Wellis® hot tubs available for sale online, or to our hot tub dealer locator. Contact us at  844-4-WELLIS and get started today!

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