How Long Should My Hot Tub Soaks Be?

How long should your hot tub soaks be? As a general rule, a soak in your Wellis Spa® should be around 20 minutes or so, and that’s the perfect amount of time to reap all the benefits that your hot tub can offer.

But there are a lot of different factors to take into consideration. So, let’s consider some more questions you may have. And let’s learn more about some signals from your body to look for. 

Factors to Consider 

Just like everyone’s physical health and body are different, so is everyone’s individual tolerance for spending time in the hot tub. But the 20-minute rule is a pretty good guide.

You’ll want to consider your own individual health and any conditions you might personally have. If you’re pregnant, you’ll want to be careful of temperature and time in the water. Don’t exceed more than about ten minutes in the water and consider opting for a lower temperature. In fact, lowering the temperature can be a good idea for anyone who might have some health concerns and for children. And, as always, if you have any health conditions check with your doctor to be extra certain. 

Should I Take Breaks?

You might be wondering if you take breaks, will that give you more time throughout the day? It will!

If you give your body time to return to a normal body temperature and you are making sure to take in plenty of water, then you should be able to return for hot tub soaks multiple times throughout the day.

So, for instance, if you take a 20-minute soak along with a glass of water, make sure you hop out of your Wellis hot tub and take a breather and focus on hydrating your body and cooling down after a bit.

One of the biggest concerns in spending too much time in a hot tub is dehydration. That’s why cool, hydrating liquids like water are recommended for your hot tub soaks, but alcohol is not. 

Hot Tub Soaks Should Be as Long as You Are Comfortable

Most hot tub wisdom says that a 15- to 30-minute soak is the ideal amount of time to reap the benefits of your Wellis Spa without taxing your body. There are some factors to consider, like age and your own physical health conditions, so keep those in mind. 

And your water temperature matters, too. If you’re soaking at a full 104° Fahrenheit, then you’ll likely need to be more conservative on your timeline. 

Body Signals to Consider

Everyone will have a different hot tub tolerance, so you’ll learn to notice when your body is telling you it needs a break. If you’re extra tired or you’re fighting an illness, you may have a shorter time tolerance for your hot tub soaks than normal, and that’s ok. 

Enjoy Your Wellis Hot Tub Soaks

Ultimately, you’ll learn your tolerance as you learn more and more about your Wellis hot tub. And don’t be surprised when your daily hot tub soaks become a staple part of your day. 

If you’re still searching for the perfect Wellis Spa, find a dealer near you and get started today. 

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